Last day in London...
bought myself a cup of COSTA mocha...
have rest and think about the future plan after walking around Camden town...
asking myself...
who i want to be in few years time...
what i want to have in few years time...
set myself the 1st main stage of my life~30 years old...
i probably will get married and have at least 1 kid whn i'm 30...
hence have to really "PIA" for the future...
Aim to get marry in 4 years time~when i'm 28...
to make sure my future life is better...
have to reach some of the targets when i'm 30...
most of it are in term of financial...
cuz tat time...
i have to be able to support 3 families...
my own family x2 (me and my wife,dad+mom+sis+bro)...
her family (wife)
1) positive net-worth and financially independent(i will need at least 7k passive income)...
2) 300k investment portfolio (excludes the property and biz)
3) 4 property and 1 own house
4) 4 biz
i should start investing in property start from 2013( 26 years old)
then i will have 5 properties when i'm 30...
meanwhile biz should be started next year...
still having my 1st biz dream~a studio...
then thinking of bakery+coffee shop with my bro...he is taking bakery now...
some biz related with sea where my dad and mom can operate it...
lastly...a small tour company with my sis...
and maybe some F&B biz which can be started easily and low cost...
to do so...
i have to really "PIA" 99 at the beginning especially the 1st 2 years...
start in S'pore...
get my CFA in 2013 and become a Charted Financial Analyst in 2015/16
have to get myself a salary of SGD 2.8k and above...
at least save up SGD 1k for investment each month...
have to start building up passive income stream by 2012...
if i can hit these targets...
i will be a FREEman by 35 years old...
i can do wat i wan together with my family...
to do so...
i have to be ready to take some risk...
a quote from MA YUN...
"if there is a certainty of 40%,just do it!"
sometimes,think too much is a problem...
take some calculated risk and go for it...
let's see how it goes...