Adult Life

We cant run away from stress in adult life...

We have to think of our career...
We have to think of our finance...
We have to think of our health...
We have to think of our family...
We have to think of our parent...
We have to think of our business...
We have to think of our future...
We have to think of our social network...

started to feel it...
have to train myself to multitasking and handle stress well...

Managing a NOT small company which recorded at average of 5 million sales p.a and with the total asset more than RM20 million. Doing wholesale and retail at the same time. 3 main products in the house...
Tyres-new,retread and 2nd hand
Battery-new & reject
Lubricants-whole range of lubs...

Targeting whole SABAH....

Marketing for retail and whosales, pricing, stock, warehouse, HR, Finance and customer and market visit...
product knowledge...
sales training...
Taking care my suppliers and customers...

That's kinda stress for me as a fresh grad and just started to get involve in that industry...

On the other hand, have to plan for future biz and own house in this 2 quarter...

Have to manage my negative networth due to study loans and tight cash flow due to a PK boss in KK in May-June.

3rd, my parents who are kinda troublesome as their not in a good relationship condition...

Lastly, have to manage my long distance relationship....MY GIRL is in KL

No other issue more????

there are some other issue which stress me out....but i have no more energy and brain's space for all of them dy...

GROWING white hairs dy....GG...
my girl help me to pull off few dy this month...

Stress and Time management....


Let's overcome it...

Bermuda Triangle

Found this interesting video clip...
some how we still can get to know it fully.