define your main objective of the portfolio 1st..
then the 2nd goal to archive...
i love to receive dividend...
have already put in some high dividend stock...
but kinda mixed portfolio i have currently...
current portfolio will be able to archive 5% of DY...
my benchmark for high dividend will be above 6.5%(the amanah saham's DY)
after consult one of my experience lecturer,
i decided to re-construct my portfolio to High Dividend portfolio which will provide me a dividend yield of 6.5% and above...
thats mean i will need to forgo some part of the capital appreciation...
but no REIT will include into my portfolio because REITs have little room of price appreciation...
I might construct a REIT portfolio when i'm too old for price appreciation...
the re-construction of the portfolio will require me to dispose my dear CCK due to its low DY~slightly above FD rate of 4.3%...
new selection of 031 High DY portfolio:
1-FSL trust >>shipping investment trust (DY~>10%)
2-Wellcall >>industrial product~rubber hose (DY~>9%)
3-Gtronic >> Tech~chipboard and LED (DY~>5%)exposure to capital gain
watch-list (need to pick 1 or 2 from here)
-Hup Seng