have been here for a week...
its kinda cold for malaysia to be here even during their summer...
wind blows everyday...thats why its kinda cold...
basically,weather here is nice...
no heavy rain...
no super hot sunlight...
people here tend to walk and ride a bike most of the time here...
you will feel like walking around the city too due to the weather is cold and we rarely sweat...
people here is much more polite than malaysia's humans...
thank you...
may i...
these are the words you will hear everyday in UK...
cost of living in Sheffield is kinda low actually...
you get a job of around 2k pound per month...
pay around 200 pounds++...
no need to pay parking...use ur legs to walk around...
sandwiches is price from 1-3pounds...
spaghetti here cost 40 pent and the 1 bottle of the pasta sauce will cost you from 18 pent to 1 pound++
damn cheap!!!
MCD here will cost you 4 pounds++ per set...
you can easily find 2 meal for 6 pounds around sheffield too...
but dont go for service product...
insurance here will cost alot compare with the car price...
so it is a good place to live and save $$...
hope i can apply the PSW and get a work here...
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