Last dinner...
i love our dinner venue...
super nice with the seaview

we always do something after our dinner...
take photo...
Sing K...
and warm up~~dance...

Someone come back with this..wakkakaka
guess who is this??

they just came back from "cai ciong"
they go "battle" every single disco available on the long beach..
Last thing we do...
Lemon~KO (cant even walk straight)
Kent Sou~KO
Elaine~KO (she drink too much dy)
Damien~KO (he in fever)
Angie~Semi KO
Ah DI~Semi KO
Me~almost vomitted all bear+chivas out...Semi KO

Bye redang...

In the bus going back KL

we reach KL around 7pm ba...
u can see how dark are we...
oi u love me so much ar?
why the last 3 pictures all me wan?
i really damn dark wei. =P
just an accident...
to upload the photo which UR inside..
woi.. APA KO OH? elaine mana ada KO.. elaine is the last one standing lo excuse me! XP u go back room 1st lor.. blerr...
if i didnt go back room...
thn i will be one of the KO dy...
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