1st time stucked at kl central for almost 4 hours...
No Bus after 10pm...
Damn hot inside...
Only mcd is available for us and its hot either!
2.30am get into the bus and head to lcct...
Its took less than a hour to reach here...
And now is my first time sitting at starbuck having choc chip and writing a blog post using my phone..
Kinda cool ya...
Another 2 hours to check in and 3hours to depart...
7.20am flight...
I'm going back sabah for my cny!
I missed previous cny...
So its kinda excited to celebrate this big celebration with family...
Happy chinese new year...
Gong xi fa choi...

My Nv Ren Birthday....wakakkaka

TT 2009..

Seremban 1 Day trip...cool...

Lunatik Crew still alive...

Nice edited photo by Ah fai....

Hamka FOK

Movie scene 1~~~"teaching" those children

lifting...Alicia in the air!!!

Happy small family....
I damn yao yeng..wkakakka

Ah di will jealous.....wkakakkakak

Bully the "man"~RUBY..wkakaka

Last show in 2009...
Be Aware!!

Coca-cola+ajinomoto/monosodium glutamate = a medicine which will cause drowsiness and excitement in the victim.
It is a cheap and widely used method.
This method was used in Canny Ong murder.
Rapist uses this method.
an email from:
Hishamuddin Alias ( ASP )
Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Berat
IPK Kuala Lumpur
Be aware...
don't accept any coke from stranger or normal friend!
Exam Finish

Killed all the 4 subjects dy...
quite similar with last semester's level...
not too hard,not too stress, and also still not that hardworking yet..wakkakaka
What to do after this??
Enjoy HOLIDAY!!!
and do some workout on my stomach again....
do some preparation for....alot of thing...
Let's wait and see what kind of result will come out after the holiday...
including my exam result...
here to forecast>>very likely to get the same result...
but there always a standard deviation(our last paper)
so the result will lie between 3.7 to 3.8...
how it is true...wakkakaka..
do we need to test its fitness of the model??wakakaka...
we face some 'correction' in global stock market currently...
its time to go for some sales again oh...
some small update...
cash position of 53% of my portfolio will be utilized if there is a mega sales coming soon...
hope there is some extra ang pao for my 2010 CNY ba..yeah....
Siapa belum beli baju untuk CNY?
My Portfolio

Current Total Investment Portfolio
Total Cash~17%
Total Equity~41%
Total Fixed Income~42%
this can be considered as balance policy.
where equity ratio and fixed income ratio are almost equal.
we are still facing the risk of "W" recovery where we might face losses in near term.
the fixed income in my portfolio consist of SSR~saving bond and 2 amanah saham~fixed at RM1 so there is no price risk on it.
the only thing need to be taken care is the dividend payout.
we can forecast it will generate around 5.5% to 6% with these fixed income instrument.
Current Equity portfolio recorded 13.36% up to date.
2010 total target return>>above 10% (quite optimistic on this)
1st Dividend Cheque in 2010

this is my 2nd dividend from CCK.
got its bonus issues and 2 cheque in this half year!
feel good when we're receiving cheque.
dividend base investment will allow us to sleep well at night without worrying about the PRICE movement.
hope i will be receiving more dividend in 2010.
so far i received only 1 dividend with 3 digits>>NSTP
hope there will be all 3 digits cheque come to me...
Upcoming Event-investment
NagaWarrants Market Talk 2010.
Topics as follows:
NagaWarrants 2010 Market Outlook
NagaWarrants view on selected sector
NagaWarants view on selected underlying
Detail of Event:
Date: 16 Jan 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 9.30am – 12.00pm
Venue: Sime Darby Convention Center
Jalan Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur
Free Admission. Seats are limited. REGISTER NOW!
For RSVP please call 03-27709388 or email: jacky.tan@nextview.com
Alliance Bank Share Investment Month
Event Details
Date : 20 Jan 2010 (Wednesday)
Time : 7.00pm – 10.30pm
Venue : Auditorium, KLCCB Building
Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad, 8, KLCCB Building, Jalan Binjai
Off Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
For registration, kindly call Geetha 03-2696 4823 or Hezni 03-2054 7626 of Alliance Bank or
James and Coreen 03-27709388 of NextVIEW.

all the seminars above are organize by Nextview!!
you are free to join the NextView invest club too...
Topics as follows:
NagaWarrants 2010 Market Outlook
NagaWarrants view on selected sector
NagaWarants view on selected underlying
Detail of Event:
Date: 16 Jan 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 9.30am – 12.00pm
Venue: Sime Darby Convention Center
Jalan Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur
Free Admission. Seats are limited. REGISTER NOW!
For RSVP please call 03-27709388 or email: jacky.tan@nextview.com
Alliance Bank Share Investment Month
Event Details
Date : 20 Jan 2010 (Wednesday)
Time : 7.00pm – 10.30pm
Venue : Auditorium, KLCCB Building
Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad, 8, KLCCB Building, Jalan Binjai
Off Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
For registration, kindly call Geetha 03-2696 4823 or Hezni 03-2054 7626 of Alliance Bank or
James and Coreen 03-27709388 of NextVIEW.

all the seminars above are organize by Nextview!!
you are free to join the NextView invest club too...

Hi-tea at the "HIGH" place
venue: c172
time: around 5pm
refreshment: green tea+cake (rain's birthday cake)
it feel like those wealthy people having their great time in evening...
its a kind of enjoyment...
having tea and chit chat..
sitting at the balcony facing the green forest+mountain...
at the same time looking at the traffic of the MRR2...
the main thing here is....we are at the highest floor of PV3..wo...
nice one ah..
chat about the current condition of our TT...
chat about relationship...his relationship(rain)...
enjoy the cake+the green tea...
chat some ETC ETC topic...
its calm our mind down alot...
so relax and enjoy....
we went to swim after our HI-tea...
wo...such an enjoyment!!
sibeh shuang!!!
wish we can really have this kind of life in the future...
This what we get after we study....
just got my diploma certificate today..
everyone rushing to the school, college and uni just for this kind of paper in the end...
some do really utilize this paper..
some just keep it under the pillow and go do other kind of job...
during the studying period...
some are too "care" about this paper...
but in the end they didn't really get the best job in that industry!!
this paper just a entry pass into the interview room!!!
your interpersonal and the technical skill are much more essential!!
you need to "fight" with others after you get yourself in the interview room!!
communication skill, leadership, working ability, experience....
this will determine whether you get the job or the guy beside you get it!!
beside that,
some interviewer always look for someone who really know what they want and did something extra rather than just having the paper!!
some of the main weakness of Malaysian's graduate...
not up to date...
too academic mind...
no experience...
low commitment...
too passive...
i get my 1st entry pass...
and still looking forward for my higher entry pass...
at the same time...
acquire more "weapon" and "armor" to fight in the interview room...wakakakkakak
2010 Investment Policy

Objective of 2010:
>10% p.a for the whole portfolio.
Risk to be taken:
Medium Risk>>low speculative element.
Cash ratio~min:10% max:60%
Equity ratio~min:25% max 75%
Stock with DY~min:80% of the total equity holding
*ratio on the whole portfolio
**portfolio must have fixed income instrument.
Trading strategy:
accumulate stage (<50 lots): buy in slowly
Trading stage (>50 lots): can be traded freely
*sell when particular stock which gain more than 30% in that year.
**sell for portfolio adjustment.
1)Start accumulate REITs to stabilize overall portfolio.
2)Accumulate stock to Trading stage.
3)Accumulate small and medium cap stocks.
4)Accumulate S'pore stocks.
5)Portfolio check~quarerly.
Current Holding:
1)CCK~15.33 lots
*get 33 units of bonus issue
2)MEDIA~12 lots
*Takeover of NSTP
**not yet transfer into CDS
3)Media WB~2 lots
* Takeover of NSTP
**not yet transfer into CDS
Some1 need our help
anyone can donate blood of type O positive??
someone need it!!
hope all of us can help her up....
please contact:
MR Yong
someone need it!!
hope all of us can help her up....
please contact:
MR Yong
Study Performance-lately

not in the best mood on my study lately!!
do not manage to keep the constant standard of all the subjects..
volatility is high in this semester.
lower commitment on the coursework compare to last semester.
low quality of work from few mates really disappoint me!
make the commitment index become worse!
24-26 out of 40 is a kind of result for low quality work.
and i agree with the marks!
we didn't put enough afford.
we didn't work it out together.
blame no body...
we have to do more in final and score well...
other coursework>>
Econ-24-26 (forecast to be the range of IF's score)
study of this semester is still "OK"
we have only 1 challenging subject>>international finance
other 3 still "readable"....
3.9 become almost impossible...
but there is always a chance!
with all the afford and time left,
i forecast the result of this semester will drop between "3.0-3.88"
let's do this
2010 Resolution

What do you want to archive in 2010?
its kind of good question but many did not put effort to do it!
i archived most of my 2009's resolution...
hope it will happen again in 2010!!
keep result above 3.5 will be OK!!
like my diploma result!
-read at least 20 books in 2010.
need to acquire more knowledge!!
-never forget to read newspaper.
the best reading material!!
3rd~COLL life
-Activate "Finance" Society.
-TT night 2010
-accumulate RM20K assets!!
(last year RM10K)
-get 10% return on the investment portfolio.
(its kinda hard...)
-never stop writing the blog...
-gain RM100 and above from blog...
-get back my six-packs!!!
-get some nice trip
(big trip like last year's redang trip)
-friendship is enough at this moment!!
-just keep it up and be healthy with some dancing.
-attend at least 10 event/activity/workshop/exhibition/seminar
1st post of 2010
30 DEC 2009

last performance of 2009!!
for KIM GARY in Sg Wang!!
we finally get onto the Sg.Wang's stage!!
we also get a free lunch in Kim Gray!!
Order the expensive set meal....
and just go away right after our lunch like we are the boss...
the organizer is a kind person...
free lunch + free 100plus for us...nice..

he is a friendly and funny star!!
feel right having a photo with a friend...

He was 29 years old...last year in 2009...
now...30 dy lo....
he quite sad when he knew our age!!!wakakkaa..
31 Dec 2009
countdown dinner at nando's...
cuz we cant get seat in Chili's!!!
we had our countdown movie>>Alvin and the chipmunk 2!!
its a nice and funny video...
we also learn how to say "CB" in the proper way...chipettes...

we didnt countdown at KLCC!!
too many of people!!!
hate crowded place nowadays...
we need to walk almost 20 minutes to reach the LRT entrance!!hell many people!
we bought 8 beers to drink and celebrate in C172!!
we had our firework show right beside the LRT railway!
we can see many fireworks on the sky!!nice view!!
1st 2hours of 2010>>

drinking beer and eating some leftover steamboat food...
chit chat...
all happen in our living room of C172!!
1 day of 2010>>
1 day trip to seremban!!
went to the jeram toi>>waterfall!!
hug the nature and play with the "ice" water!!
we keep on shaking...sibeh cold...
took some nice photo...
play like a small kid...
the bad part is....
some "no-brain" M*L*Y washing their head there...in the small "pool" all people enjoy
throwing people into the water and playing in the water!!!
what for to wash the stuff that is useless for u??huh??
its a tiring enjoyment...
5pm they go "cucuk" bola...
i and kent and his GF just took the chance to rest more...
7pm...go EAT!!!!
best dish>>curry chicken bread!!!
sibeh nice!!!
we heading back KL right after we bought some seremban's food!!!sao pao!!
its a nice trip!!

last performance of 2009!!
for KIM GARY in Sg Wang!!
we finally get onto the Sg.Wang's stage!!
we also get a free lunch in Kim Gray!!
Order the expensive set meal....
and just go away right after our lunch like we are the boss...
the organizer is a kind person...
free lunch + free 100plus for us...nice..

he is a friendly and funny star!!
feel right having a photo with a friend...

He was 29 years old...last year in 2009...
now...30 dy lo....
he quite sad when he knew our age!!!wakakkaa..
31 Dec 2009
countdown dinner at nando's...
cuz we cant get seat in Chili's!!!
we had our countdown movie>>Alvin and the chipmunk 2!!
its a nice and funny video...
we also learn how to say "CB" in the proper way...chipettes...

we didnt countdown at KLCC!!
too many of people!!!
hate crowded place nowadays...
we need to walk almost 20 minutes to reach the LRT entrance!!hell many people!
we bought 8 beers to drink and celebrate in C172!!
we had our firework show right beside the LRT railway!
we can see many fireworks on the sky!!nice view!!
1st 2hours of 2010>>

drinking beer and eating some leftover steamboat food...
chit chat...
all happen in our living room of C172!!
1 day of 2010>>
1 day trip to seremban!!
went to the jeram toi>>waterfall!!
hug the nature and play with the "ice" water!!
we keep on shaking...sibeh cold...
took some nice photo...
play like a small kid...
the bad part is....
some "no-brain" M*L*Y washing their head there...in the small "pool" all people enjoy
throwing people into the water and playing in the water!!!
what for to wash the stuff that is useless for u??huh??
its a tiring enjoyment...
5pm they go "cucuk" bola...
i and kent and his GF just took the chance to rest more...
7pm...go EAT!!!!
best dish>>curry chicken bread!!!
sibeh nice!!!
we heading back KL right after we bought some seremban's food!!!sao pao!!
its a nice trip!!
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