Objective of 2010:
>10% p.a for the whole portfolio.
Risk to be taken:
Medium Risk>>low speculative element.
Cash ratio~min:10% max:60%
Equity ratio~min:25% max 75%
Stock with DY~min:80% of the total equity holding
*ratio on the whole portfolio
**portfolio must have fixed income instrument.
Trading strategy:
accumulate stage (<50 lots): buy in slowly
Trading stage (>50 lots): can be traded freely
*sell when particular stock which gain more than 30% in that year.
**sell for portfolio adjustment.
1)Start accumulate REITs to stabilize overall portfolio.
2)Accumulate stock to Trading stage.
3)Accumulate small and medium cap stocks.
4)Accumulate S'pore stocks.
5)Portfolio check~quarerly.
Current Holding:
1)CCK~15.33 lots
*get 33 units of bonus issue
2)MEDIA~12 lots
*Takeover of NSTP
**not yet transfer into CDS
3)Media WB~2 lots
* Takeover of NSTP
**not yet transfer into CDS
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