he is a man looking for simple life...
a normal and steady job and always wants his children to be "steady" and study more...
He totally Disagree of doing BIZ and stock market!!!
in his mind,
its too risky and full with liar!!!
i "died" in the 1st one before and get hurt really bad...
manage to recover from it and gain alot from it...
but didnt manage to really success in it...
not enough $$...
not enough partners...good partner is scarce...
i tried few times...and its still doesn't work.
even a small 1...
get objection from dad very hard....
he want me to focus on study oni!!!
and dont be silly again...
2nd reason>>no good partner
many people can really talk but how many will do it??
i do not want to do alone cuz its not my main road...
my dad still do not know the investment part!!!
i'm studying this field...of cuz i need some practical...
he only know he sponsored 1k for me to buy into amanah saham and i did...
but i didnt told him that i have 5k in those fixed income instruments and more than 10k in equity!!!he gonna kill me if he know this...
i "died" before 2008 the financial crisis...
but then...
i'm back and better off...
i'm gonna master it!!!
these 2 incident bring me into a higher level...
before 1st incident...
i have max 3k asset in banks...
no exp,no skill...
after 1st incident,
i get in touch with stock and start to gain back my losses.
i learned how to survive,how the real world works,some skills and many precious exp
i manage to regain back and hold more than 6k assets...
then 2008 financial crisis is my 1st real tuition center in stock...
i paid almost 3k for the 1st lesson!!!
but after that...
in sept 2010...
my total portfolio is heading to 20k...
of cuz apart of it is my student loan>>this is leverage!!!
Biz might not in my control...
but stock investment can be 100% in my "control"
i make the decision and i responsible on it!!!
no partner and no limit...but myself!!
start from now...
will focus only on my main road,my future...
this 1 u cant stop me!
its my pathway...
btw i will let u know when i go back to see u...
ur son is not a risk averse kind of people...
youngster should take some risk to archive more...
there is a chines says
"how many 10 years we have??"
wanna "pia"?
"pia" now when ur still young!
yea~ai pia ga wu ngia eh ke hui ~ gogogo ! support u !
is it possible that your dad know something about you more than yourself?
Yao>>let's pia together...
Anonymous>>good question...but i not sure what is the answer...wakakaka..btw is that answer really matter on my pathway??
i believe you are not a good partner as well.
yeah...maybe it right too...
partnership really need a really "ngam" type of ppl together..
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