KLCI started up so "bull" in 2011...
klci started to gain back some foreign participation...
main themes for current period are...
Plantation, O&G, Construction and Banking sector!!!

we are having huge trading currently...
hit above 2 bil of volume and above RM 3bil in term of value...
a sign of bull market...
let see how far this bull can go...
no one knows...
you can be friend with the current trend...(momentum trading)
or ready to cut ur position...(sell high)
i will stick with my own investment method...DY method...
might reduce my holding if market went too crazy...
or above 15% gain of my total portfolio in the short run...
cant do some small speculation due to the lack of excess capital...
need to sit tight and do paper trading only...
decided to pick up Gamuda for construction, Affin for finance, Dialog(my ex-lover) for O&G and FimaCorp for plantation related...
Yesterday closing price:
Gamuda~Rm 4.07
Affin~Rm 3.18
Dialog~Rm 1.97
FimaCorp~Rm 6.42
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