Summer course in SHU

TARCians have the option to study 3 months summer top-up program either in SHU or LJMU.
Sheffield is kinda small and peaceful city but we still need to be-careful especially in the night...
many DRUNKies on the street...

we had 1 break-in case just now...
some one break in through the window after they cut the steel bar...
kinda that scary...
the lesson is...try not to stay at ground floor and dont leave your valuable in the room when you're going out for a trip!!

lets come back to the cost of living in sheffield for tarcian...
how much do we need for this 3 months or 4 months??
3700 pound included tuition fee and accommodation (1.3k if i not mistaken)
flight ticket will cost us around RM3.5k
meanwhile,cost of living in sheffield can be very low if you cook yourself and join some of the trip only...
budget for F&B will be definitely below 100 pound per month if you didnt have your meal outside...
but u will need around 150-200 pound for the 1st week because there are some groceries you need to buy here

without spectacular life and will only cost around RM25-26k
but its sufficient to live very enjoyable...

stay tune for other sharing of sheffield life..

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