December plan...
its time to diet and stay fit before the CNY...
if not...
i'm gonna be a fat guy dy...
retired from dancing...
no more daily training...
its mean low sport activity...
current weight 72-74 kg...
empty stomach to after meal...
my weight is somewhere around 65-67kg..
so december plan will be reduce the number from the 72 to 66 kg...
6kg in the decemeber...
besides that,
my 6 packs downgrade to 4 packs 2 years ago..
and now...
its totally an united state...
so december target>>4 pieces of chop on my stomach...
lets see how my diet plan go...
1)no late dinner and supper...
2)more workout...
3)juice and fruit fasting once a week...
its simple...
see how is the impact...
Be outstanding inside the interview room

this one of the main challenge we have to go through...
except you going to own ur own company or take over ur dad's company...
if not...u need to think hard the questions below...
how to impress ur employer??
what make them want to hire u??
read the GRAD Malaysia 2011...
found out that...
employers are looking for people with....
its contain communication and organisation skills...
no men is an island...
we work as a team most of the time...
and how to present urself and ur ideal have become an important task of ur life...
how to deliver client,to team members,to ur boss and etc...
how hard u will learn and work it out...
how good u are in that field...
they want more than just academic stuff...
there is only 1 constant rules in the world...
thats is~CHANCE!!!
how we react and adapt to the new environment...
we have a very dynamic world nowadays...
so do you have all of these??
no one will look at ur CGPA in the interview room...
don't only try to archive academic targets...
soft skill and attitude are the main thing to differentiate u from ur peers...
a friend told me that...
getting into investment bank is too tough...
none of our top scorer manage to pass through it...
only 1 get into OSK by some relationship...
btw, most of the top scorer know how to study only...
not how to learn...
they communicate with books and words most of the time...
not people....
they only do study...
no others activities to gain extra "weapon"...
which increase their value....
thats why they pass through the interview hardly...
investment is a dynamic and challenging industry...
thats why i'm studying finance and investment...i love challenging work...
thats why i try to expose myself to the real investment world...
thats why i try to expose myself to more events to learn and train...
be ready for the day to "kill" my interviewer...
next year will be my year to get into the interview room...
kinda excited...
BMW hybrid car
i definitely will buy this car...
green tech...
damn yeng ah...
stay green, save the earth

we discussed this company this week...
this is a strong CashFlow company and growing without fear even during the previous crisis...
only concern...
its profit margin is kinda low...around 10% only...
but we can see the improvement coming up dy....
main thing we have to look after more is the growth rate of the company...
After the analysis we do forecast that Q3 will be a good grow quarter...
it will surpass the last year Q3 (good management and better market outlook with positive economic condition)
higher than the current Q2 ( Q3 is more than Q2 in most of the time)
we did the right forecast...
well done...
TARC's investment interest group~Survey result
1)Segmentation of our interest group:

obviously we have a very huge group of male members here.
maximum number of female member is 9.
5 did not turn up for this week sharing session and other 2 still keeping our survey form.
we have an average of around 25~30 members per session.
In conclusion, we can say that male students are more aggressive and passionate in the field of investment.
meanwhile, female students are more conservative.
(statistically, female trade lesser than guy and hence have lower risk in their portfolio)
2)Whether our interest group can help our member in their study:

84% feel that our interest group activity help them in their study.
sharing session help most of the advance senior to revise back what they have learnt.
besides that, most of our members gain more knowledge on the whole perspective of the finance, economic and investment which are related and applicable in their study.
On the other hand, 16% of our member feel the other way round.
main reason is their study is still at the basic level where info and knowledge from the sharing session cannot be used yet.
In conclusion, most of the issues raised in our sharing session are related in our study and enhances our analytical skill.
3)Whether our sharing session help in the real investment trading:
all agree that we can learn and improve our investment knowledge through our sharing session.
different opinion and experience shared in the sharing session helps all our members to understand the real investment world and able to see the particular issue from different view.
members also think that all the fundamental analysis discussed in the sharing session can help them in the real life.
4)how often our member attend the weekly sharing session:

10 out of 19 attended all our weekly sharing session.
we have active members(>3x) more than half of the sample taken.
we are still having high member turnover over the past 5 weeks.
main reason is our interest group is not an academic program and it need voluntary attendance from the members.
In conclusion,we still have a large number of active member (more than half).
5)Rating from members (1=best,5=worst):

most of our member think that current sharing session is good enough to help them to gain knowledge and some opinion on the real world of finance.
Some also think that this interest group help them to leverage where they can know more news and knowledge in the short time through the sharing from all the members.
on the other hand,some feel that issues discussed are too wide and not concentrate.
In conclusion, our interest group might been running in a very fast progress that might make some newcomer feel very pressure and too many info to be adsorbed. overall, we are still in the right track.
6)Top 4 Activity suggested:
Top 1> A visit to Bursa, SC, and other finance related places.
Top 2> Live Trading
Top 3> Seminar by industry practitioner like banker, analyst and etc.
Top 4> Competition
Management board of interest group will conduct a meeting soon to discuss the above matter.
we will get choose the best combination of activities wanted by our members.
*No funding will limit our activity choices.
A portfolio management contest is kinda possible to be conducted in the near term.
7) Improvement suggested by members:
1>Do company evaluation very week.
*this is possible if more member can handle the analysis.
2>More group discussion and self analysis.
*more self discussion will be done after all the basic parts are done.
3>Invite industry practitioner and speaker to our sharing session.]
*hard to match their time.
4>Discuss more on technical analysis.
*we will not emphasize too much on technical analysis where fundamental analysis is more important in the real life. fundamental analysis need a long time to master it.
5>2 sharing session per week.
*Schedule is too pack for us where we need to handle our study 1st.
6>Get more good looking members.
*its depends on how our current members invite their friends.
7>More actual investment.
*we are discussing something very real and happening recently. all are the useful info for actual investment.
8>Change sharing session to Friday.
*many are going back hometown on friday. thats why we choose to have our sharing session on Monday.
9>Use MIC during the sharing session.
*quite impossible to get a PA system. Remind the "presenter" to raise up our voice during our sharing if the "presenter" speak too soft.
thank you for your time and effort to fill up the survey form.
hope you all can learn many useful knowledge and skill through our interest group.
in the future,please keep it up and pass to the next batch.
"sharing is a kind of leverage!"
never be selfish to share the knowledge and opinion.
we will enhance our knowledge and skill through sharing.
wish all of us...

obviously we have a very huge group of male members here.
maximum number of female member is 9.
5 did not turn up for this week sharing session and other 2 still keeping our survey form.
we have an average of around 25~30 members per session.
In conclusion, we can say that male students are more aggressive and passionate in the field of investment.
meanwhile, female students are more conservative.
(statistically, female trade lesser than guy and hence have lower risk in their portfolio)
2)Whether our interest group can help our member in their study:

84% feel that our interest group activity help them in their study.
sharing session help most of the advance senior to revise back what they have learnt.
besides that, most of our members gain more knowledge on the whole perspective of the finance, economic and investment which are related and applicable in their study.
On the other hand, 16% of our member feel the other way round.
main reason is their study is still at the basic level where info and knowledge from the sharing session cannot be used yet.
In conclusion, most of the issues raised in our sharing session are related in our study and enhances our analytical skill.
3)Whether our sharing session help in the real investment trading:
all agree that we can learn and improve our investment knowledge through our sharing session.
different opinion and experience shared in the sharing session helps all our members to understand the real investment world and able to see the particular issue from different view.
members also think that all the fundamental analysis discussed in the sharing session can help them in the real life.
4)how often our member attend the weekly sharing session:

10 out of 19 attended all our weekly sharing session.
we have active members(>3x) more than half of the sample taken.
we are still having high member turnover over the past 5 weeks.
main reason is our interest group is not an academic program and it need voluntary attendance from the members.
In conclusion,we still have a large number of active member (more than half).
5)Rating from members (1=best,5=worst):

most of our member think that current sharing session is good enough to help them to gain knowledge and some opinion on the real world of finance.
Some also think that this interest group help them to leverage where they can know more news and knowledge in the short time through the sharing from all the members.
on the other hand,some feel that issues discussed are too wide and not concentrate.
In conclusion, our interest group might been running in a very fast progress that might make some newcomer feel very pressure and too many info to be adsorbed. overall, we are still in the right track.
6)Top 4 Activity suggested:
Top 1> A visit to Bursa, SC, and other finance related places.
Top 2> Live Trading
Top 3> Seminar by industry practitioner like banker, analyst and etc.
Top 4> Competition
Management board of interest group will conduct a meeting soon to discuss the above matter.
we will get choose the best combination of activities wanted by our members.
*No funding will limit our activity choices.
A portfolio management contest is kinda possible to be conducted in the near term.
7) Improvement suggested by members:
1>Do company evaluation very week.
*this is possible if more member can handle the analysis.
2>More group discussion and self analysis.
*more self discussion will be done after all the basic parts are done.
3>Invite industry practitioner and speaker to our sharing session.]
*hard to match their time.
4>Discuss more on technical analysis.
*we will not emphasize too much on technical analysis where fundamental analysis is more important in the real life. fundamental analysis need a long time to master it.
5>2 sharing session per week.
*Schedule is too pack for us where we need to handle our study 1st.
6>Get more good looking members.
*its depends on how our current members invite their friends.
7>More actual investment.
*we are discussing something very real and happening recently. all are the useful info for actual investment.
8>Change sharing session to Friday.
*many are going back hometown on friday. thats why we choose to have our sharing session on Monday.
9>Use MIC during the sharing session.
*quite impossible to get a PA system. Remind the "presenter" to raise up our voice during our sharing if the "presenter" speak too soft.
thank you for your time and effort to fill up the survey form.
hope you all can learn many useful knowledge and skill through our interest group.
in the future,please keep it up and pass to the next batch.
"sharing is a kind of leverage!"
never be selfish to share the knowledge and opinion.
we will enhance our knowledge and skill through sharing.
wish all of us...
SBS ( UV LIGHT) PRom NIght~!
Patriots of Love~TARC

this a kind of alumni night conducted by TARC...
we have the TARC trust fund which need donation to run some of the projects...
such as...student center for all our TARCian activities...
just found out that we have 150,000 ex-TARCian dy...
they hope each of them will donate a RM100 so we will have RM15 mil....
not bad ah...
the power of the big population of TARC...

i also feel that our TARC management very smart dy...
they sub-contract the night to the TARCian...
let TARCian learn and organize....
and they just relax and supervise...

btw,more than half of those who involve in this musical are TT human...
from vocalists, actors, dancers, helpers,committee and the management part of this musical...
i should be a part of it too d...
but time and commitment are already on my study...
then no point of dragging the process and person in charge seems like not willing to do changes i have to leave and to be a audience...
different view this most of the time i'll be involved..
*only uploaded few pics,so i just grab few of it...

the show was nice and smooth...
the main part really kill me is the short video in the opening...
CITC edited it??
OMG...wat a "low class" product...
no fade in fade out...
no good effect for the transition between two clips...
lastly,some part of the story abit too lagging...
but the ending is nice...where we sing that meaningful song of TARC...

after the musical end...
i have to congrats and say HI to all...
get wet when they started to play "water"...
hug many of them...
the crazy part is...
she too excited and run with the speed of F1...
and jump to give me a bear hug...
luckily i'm not that old to survive from that impact...
then Bryan wanna start the floor...
force to do some move...luckily i'm too old to do that..wakkaka

then all of them head to the refreshment room...
but i'm not that welcome by the "head"...thats bad...
some ask me to go there to join them...
lepak,kacau and share the joy with them...
and have something to eat at the same time...
but this is the only time that i feel not to eat...
you know...
i not suppose to be there...
but since some "old man" went there...
i follow to see and lepak my dear TT's small kids..
get feed by some of my small kids...just ate very small amount of it...
lets get into the happy part...

this is my Nv Ren...
she damn "SOK" last nite...
she cheated by others that everyone must wear formal...wakkaka
she wear like a lady that night..nice...
i also brought one of my classmate along...tall girl...
everyone was asking who is GF??
they are so desperate to get a "dai shou"...
she is just a very close friend of mine...
i do really enjoy that night...
well done my dear friends...
they believe this move can boost the economic...
higher liquidity,more economic activities...
good economic...
but the globalization bring the chain effect...
this will affect all of us around the world...
lets see what will happen next..
S'pore gonna surpass Malaysia soon...
Singapore’s gross domestic product will cap its fastest annual growth this year since independence, rising as much as 15 percent to about $210 billion, while the economy of Malaysia, a country 478 times its size, will expand 7 percent to $205 billion, government forecasts show. The nations are scheduled to release their 2010 data by February.
The island that former economic adviser Albert Winsemius once said was considered a “poor little market in a dark corner of Asia” is now ranked by the World Bank as the easiest place to do business, has the world’s second-busiest container port, and boasts the highest proportion of millionaire households, according to the Boston Consulting Group.
more info:
kinda shame after read this news few days ago...
please wake up...
The island that former economic adviser Albert Winsemius once said was considered a “poor little market in a dark corner of Asia” is now ranked by the World Bank as the easiest place to do business, has the world’s second-busiest container port, and boasts the highest proportion of millionaire households, according to the Boston Consulting Group.
more info:
kinda shame after read this news few days ago...
please wake up...
Healthcare Industry in Malaysia
Malaysian Healthcare Analyst Briefing
View more presentations from Frost & Sullivan .
Yes 4G from YTL
more info:
please check ur college email about this YES 4G...
we gt free account for this...
Drive traffic to your blog...
there are many ways to keep ur blog visited by others...
good content...
the right name of ur blog...
ur blog pagerank...
make ur blog famous...
there is another way to get direct impact...
to get more visitor for your blog...
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i get to know this kind of traffic exchange stuff..
get instant visitor very soon once u meet the min requirement...
try this up...
good content...
the right name of ur blog...
ur blog pagerank...
make ur blog famous...
there is another way to get direct impact...
to get more visitor for your blog...
visitor from all around the world...
i get to know this kind of traffic exchange stuff..
get instant visitor very soon once u meet the min requirement...
try this up...
Malaysia Stock Market~KLCI
recently our KLCI hit the 1530 point to be the highest point ever!!
then close at the 1528...
we enjoyed the uptrend for 3 months dy!!
it is good to have some small correction!
we can see the profit taking activities going on...
will it be a major correction??
i don't think our KLCI will get a major correction of 10% in near term...
PE of 16 still consider OK...
outlook still bright...
all economic numbers are good...
no HOT $$ running from the KLCI...foreign involvement in our KLCI only around 20++%

12 point decrement is due to the BIG stocks...
we have 9 index stocks in the top loser list!!
thats why our KLCI drop yesterday!!!
market sentiment is still here...
lets see what will happen today...
last trading of this week...
return back to above 1524??
then close at the 1528...
we enjoyed the uptrend for 3 months dy!!
it is good to have some small correction!
we can see the profit taking activities going on...
will it be a major correction??
i don't think our KLCI will get a major correction of 10% in near term...
PE of 16 still consider OK...
outlook still bright...
all economic numbers are good...
no HOT $$ running from the KLCI...foreign involvement in our KLCI only around 20++%

12 point decrement is due to the BIG stocks...
we have 9 index stocks in the top loser list!!
thats why our KLCI drop yesterday!!!
market sentiment is still here...
lets see what will happen today...
last trading of this week...
return back to above 1524??
Going to UK next June...
not going to bring all the books...
so,disposing most of the book i have...
plan to donate them to TARC's library...

try to donate all these books to library today...
unfortunately,few classmates felt in love with my books...
since some1 got "feel" on them...
i better give it to them la...
only 2 books successfully get into library today...

gonna donate another batch next week...
anyone love to read book,
come to my place and try to grab those books that u like...
not going to bring all the books...
so,disposing most of the book i have...
plan to donate them to TARC's library...

try to donate all these books to library today...
unfortunately,few classmates felt in love with my books...
since some1 got "feel" on them...
i better give it to them la...
only 2 books successfully get into library today...

gonna donate another batch next week...
anyone love to read book,
come to my place and try to grab those books that u like...
Reconstructed 031's portfolio

be more focus and weight more to the dividend stocks...
new capital pumped in and other capital on the way also...
Profit sharing on the extra capital...
a total gain of <5%= 5% profit sharing
while <10% return= 10% profit sharing
then <15% return is 15% profit sharing
additional 5% profit sharing to any additional 5% of total return.
this portfolio is targeted to gain >10% pa...
hope we can manage to keep the 10% pa for more than 30 years ba...
how good is the LED
the only Malaysia's company get into LED biz...
one of the main reason i decided to hold this stock!!!
someone ask how long would i hold it... least 3 years...
its depend...
Globetronics Technology Berhad : Joining The LED Lighting Revolution-12/10/2010
***this is not an invitation to trade!!!you are fully responsible on your trading decision!!
one of the main reason i decided to hold this stock!!!
someone ask how long would i hold it... least 3 years...
its depend...
Globetronics Technology Berhad : Joining The LED Lighting Revolution-12/10/2010
***this is not an invitation to trade!!!you are fully responsible on your trading decision!!
TARC's investment interest group
proposed this kinda long time ago...
tried before...but failed at that time...
this year...
we re-launch it...
get support from most of the lecturers and head of school...
special thanks to our TARC's head of SBS Ms.Say...
she helps us to get the venue and give advices...
we started our 1st meet up on 29 Oct 2010...
this is an on going weekly activity...
we discuss the movement of previous week...
any big news in previous week...
then we get into the particular weekly topic..
such as, investment methodology, company evaluation and etc...
this is a platform for us to leverage...
we will benefit from others opinion...
we can have a team of people to do some research on the particular stuff...
hence we can learn from this sharing session faster...
we can absorb more when we listen,see and brain storm...
listen others opinions
see the data shown
and think....
i did not expect to have many people to join us...
cuz this is not an academic program...they cant get cert from here...
cuz this is not a game....
cuz this require extra time...
cuz this is not what most of the TARCian want...
TARC investment interest group is kind of education stuff...
its require us to speak....
require members to think...
**many students hate this!!!
i try to help...
and still believe sharing is the best way to learn and upgrade ourselves...
i will try my best to keep it up...
but final result...still depend on the members...
what i think our current structure will benefit all of us...
1)aware of what happen around the world and malaysia...
finance human need this...we need to get the info and process it then take action accordingly...
2)get to know the real investment environment...
how to use those theory...
the interpretation of numbers...
3)sharpen our thinking...
we get to know other opinions...
brain storm...think...and evaluate our own thought...
4)its help our academic's performance...
assignment need these kind of info and skills...
improve our understanding...
5)we can perform well in the interview room!!!
well prepared with all the needed info and basic skills!!!
*i been through this before!!!
what else we can get from this activity??many more...
bad part of this???
it isn't fun if ur not interested in finance and invesment!!!
you loss alot if ur not interested
i want quality more than the quantity!!!
tried before...but failed at that time...
this year...
we re-launch it...
get support from most of the lecturers and head of school...
special thanks to our TARC's head of SBS Ms.Say...
she helps us to get the venue and give advices...
we started our 1st meet up on 29 Oct 2010...
this is an on going weekly activity...
we discuss the movement of previous week...
any big news in previous week...
then we get into the particular weekly topic..
such as, investment methodology, company evaluation and etc...
this is a platform for us to leverage...
we will benefit from others opinion...
we can have a team of people to do some research on the particular stuff...
hence we can learn from this sharing session faster...
we can absorb more when we listen,see and brain storm...
listen others opinions
see the data shown
and think....
i did not expect to have many people to join us...
cuz this is not an academic program...they cant get cert from here...
cuz this is not a game....
cuz this require extra time...
cuz this is not what most of the TARCian want...
TARC investment interest group is kind of education stuff...
its require us to speak....
require members to think...
**many students hate this!!!
i try to help...
and still believe sharing is the best way to learn and upgrade ourselves...
i will try my best to keep it up...
but final result...still depend on the members...
what i think our current structure will benefit all of us...
1)aware of what happen around the world and malaysia...
finance human need this...we need to get the info and process it then take action accordingly...
2)get to know the real investment environment...
how to use those theory...
the interpretation of numbers...
3)sharpen our thinking...
we get to know other opinions...
brain storm...think...and evaluate our own thought...
4)its help our academic's performance...
assignment need these kind of info and skills...
improve our understanding...
5)we can perform well in the interview room!!!
well prepared with all the needed info and basic skills!!!
*i been through this before!!!
what else we can get from this activity??many more...
bad part of this???
it isn't fun if ur not interested in finance and invesment!!!
you loss alot if ur not interested
i want quality more than the quantity!!!
TARC's open day

get myself on the open day page...
kinda lucky and happy that this year they are using TT's human for the shooting rather than all OO...
we have few "pretty" who got talent and at the same time...the LOOK...
btw, TARC now open to international student...
only thing i consider is...
the quality of international student...
heard something bad about those "black" guy in UCSI...
dont wish our TARC will be crowded by the bad BLACKies....
No discrimination on races here...
just discrimination on bad student!!
for more info about the TARC's open day
Chinese of the Malaysia
New Spec
Big move of USA...
we might not get any significant correction in the near term anymore...
US is trying to boost the liquidity and economic...
hot money coming out again...USD 600 billion...
low interest rate in USA will make those money go around the world..
to get better return...
our KLCI only worth around USD 300 billion...
inflow of some portion of the 600 billion will be able to drive our KLCI crazy...
lets see what will happen in the next 2 month before 2010 end...
i dont think our election will put any significant negative impact on the KLCI.
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