this a kind of alumni night conducted by TARC...
we have the TARC trust fund which need donation to run some of the projects...
such as...student center for all our TARCian activities...
just found out that we have 150,000 ex-TARCian dy...
they hope each of them will donate a RM100 so we will have RM15 mil....
not bad ah...
the power of the big population of TARC...

i also feel that our TARC management very smart dy...
they sub-contract the night to the TARCian...
let TARCian learn and organize....
and they just relax and supervise...

btw,more than half of those who involve in this musical are TT human...
from vocalists, actors, dancers, helpers,committee and the management part of this musical...
i should be a part of it too d...
but time and commitment are already on my study...
then no point of dragging the process and person in charge seems like not willing to do changes dy..so i have to leave and to be a audience...
different view this time...as most of the time i'll be involved..
*only uploaded few pics,so i just grab few of it...

the show was nice and smooth...
the main part really kill me is the short video in the opening...
CITC edited it??
OMG...wat a "low class" product...
no fade in fade out...
no good effect for the transition between two clips...
lastly,some part of the story abit too lagging...
but the ending is nice...where we sing that meaningful song of TARC...

after the musical end...
i have to congrats and say HI to all...
get wet when they started to play "water"...
hug many of them...
the crazy part is...
she too excited and run with the speed of F1...
and jump to give me a bear hug...
luckily i'm not that old to survive from that impact...
then Bryan wanna start the floor...
force to do some move...luckily i'm too old to do that..wakkaka

then all of them head to the refreshment room...
but i'm not that welcome by the "head"...thats bad...
some ask me to go there to join them...
lepak,kacau and share the joy with them...
and have something to eat at the same time...
but this is the only time that i feel not to eat...
you know...
i not suppose to be there...
but since some "old man" went there...
i follow to see and lepak my dear TT's small kids..
get feed by some of my small kids...just ate very small amount of it...
lets get into the happy part...

this is my Nv Ren...
she damn "SOK" last nite...
she cheated by others that everyone must wear formal...wakkaka
she wear like a lady that night..nice...
i also brought one of my classmate along...tall girl...
everyone was asking who is she...my GF??
they are so desperate to get a "dai shou"...
she is just a very close friend of mine...
i do really enjoy that night...
well done my dear friends...
haha.. really enjoyed very much about the night.. thanks you guys... i had wrote it too on my blog >>> http://lonelyreload.blogspot.com/2010/11/tarc-patriots-of-love-musical-night.html
i saw it dy...
what course ur taking currently??
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