Help us help a kid go back to school
Posted by Michael A Fredericks.
Here’s a personal invitation to each and every AllMalaysian Bloggers Project (AMBP) member.
The AMBP is supporting the Rotaract Club of Kuala Lumpur (RACKL) in their efforts to raise funds to buy back-to-school material – books, stationery, uniforms etc - for underprivileged kids aged 6-15, and we’re going to require your help to do so.
The beneficiaries of Project Gift A Kid will be the children from Rumah WAKE 1, as well as those from Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan (Tamil) Cheras.
Now what is it that you can do, we hear you ask? Well, plenty.
Go tell it on the mountain The project will benefit more kids if more people come forward as sponsors, and in order for that to happen, we’ll need to get the word out. The more people know about this project, the higher the likelihood that someone would act on it (y’know, percentages being percentages and all).
So, yes, we want you to help us spread the word. We want you to tell your friends, families, friends’ families, and family members’ friends. We want you to not only blog about Project Gift A Kid, but to shout it out on your blog!
Send a child a gift of movies! And what’s more? By blogging about this project, you’ll also send a kid to the movies (besides helping them get their back-school-material, that is).
How? Well, we’ve roped in the good folks from Universal International Pictures (UIP) who have agreed to sponsor a limited number of movie tickets, from which we’ll sponsor one kid to the movies for each blog entry written by AMBP members until all tickets are exhausted.
Win something for yourself too There’s also a chance for you to win yourself some awesome prizes courtesy of UIP and EMI if you add BELOW your post on Project Gift A Kid your entry for the UIP Caption Contest.
Keen to know more? Well, mosey on over to the Project Gift a Kid pages.
How do I go about sponsoring a kid? Here’s what you’ll have to do:
Print out the Sponsorship Form, then fill in your details.
Together with the sponsored sum, return the form(s) to us between Dec 15 and 18, at the following address:
Star Publications (M) Bhd
Menara Star
Phileo Damansara II
15 Jalan 16/11
46350, Petaling Jaya
For enquiries, or to get a form (if you can't find a printer), you can get in touch with Michael A. Fredericks (019-2184 307) from the AMBP, or Kavita (016-259 3818), Anu (016-254 6995) or Sumitra (012-246 9109) from the Rotaract Club KL (email: rotaract_kl@yahoo.com.sg).
All payments can be made via cash or cheque written to “ROTARACT CLUB OF KUALA LUMPUR”, and handed to the people listed above.
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