i also wonder how to be that too.
again, someone remind me of this again...
1st of all before we do anything else,
what do we love to do and passion about??
its not about doing it or finish the work!!
it is being a part of it!!
let it be a part of our life...

"choose your own way of life by yourself!"
in my case,
i will be going into finance and mostly into investment path!
do i really love investment which is full of analytical stuff??
OH, Yeah...that's why i gave up my mechanical engineering in UTM!!
my dad wanted to kill me at that time!
but luckily i'm brave enough to make a change of my life!
i found it...my path,my passion and my life!
when there is a passion,
we will not just doing it or completing it...
we will attached all together!
you will found out that its interesting...
you will keep on looking further about that stuff by yourself...
you will keep on doing it without stress..

"passion will keep you moving all the time"
after all of the passion,
hardwork come in...
do you put enough effort??
how can u be different with other in your career path?
nowadays employer would like to hire "plug n play" staff..
same as us...
we wish to buy something we can use it and benefit from it asap!
we need to stand by SKILLS for it.
Investment is not an easy path to go...
we need to keep update!!its not a dead things that repeat forever!
that's why i love it...its fresh everyday!
we need to anaylize...
we need to think of it...
yeah i love it!
we might need to travel to observe the actual condition...
yeah i love it too..
meeting CEO, some of the director and the owner of the company..
yeah..i DAMN love this kind of event!!
i pretty sure i'll be at there in 2-3 years more.
reminder for myself!!
hey dude,
you are not hardworking enough for your future!!
your reading is not enough!
news~get to know further about all the news on bloomberg and CNN!!
newspaper~read more to understand the most recent happen!!
magazine~local magazine might only fill half of you...need more
book~get more book about finance and investment!!10-20books is not enough!!
forum~yeah its pretty good now..keep active in it!!
seminar&workshop~u try hard to attend it.try to get into more advance level!
(this really will face some financial problem!!most of the advance level need at least rm 1k++ for 1 session!!too sad)
meeting with people~yeah,get know of some investment people from forum and some from seminar and workshop.
pratical~run your portfolio effeciently...do more analysis!
competition~you are good enough in dancing competition...its time for some competition for your future!!about biz and investment!!

"just do it!
result of how we did for the whole journey will be at the end of the road!"
hey dude,
you are in the right way...
keep it on and do better!!
"see you at the top"~i like this alot!!
shan yie!!!
whahaha.. hey nee ur help a bit le!!
how u get to noe bout de cfa education seminar de..
izzit from the star newspaper??
if yes plis let me noe which day le..
wuwuwu i m looking for de ad in the star lik crazy~~~
plis plis~~
(",)kah ang here..tata
Yo...i get to know this from my frenz..
gt few online frnz taking this CFA..
and 1 of them is the Charted dy d..
normally get it from newspaper,frenz, frenz's blog or on9 d..
hey dude u do still so cool huh!
dancing king but billionaire i will see u soon=)
YF dun say like that la..
i'm not that geng....
i will spend u yum cha everyday if i do really become a billionaire..wakkaka
thanx for de info..
i still need to find dat ad from the star newspaper coz my boss wan c ma~~
if u wanna noe anythin bout cfa..
ask me la..
i charge u consultancy fees..hehe..
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