Malaysia Media Awards 2009

"Yes Sir,may i help you?"
yoyo,c-17-2 working part time together man... serious...
having press conference??

All of us...together with our BOSS,Hui Yee(i hope i spell her name correctly)!

young media person of 2009!!!

OMG...we havent finish our job yet d...
the award ceremony still going on leh...
but this how we enjoy ourselves..

rain...our DJ DaMouth..
i wonder whether his BRO also is a DaMouth...

we're ready to go home...
but not before we SOHAI finish...wakkaka

Any beer??

praying???may be...

Damn yao yeng...
enjoy this alot..

1 comment:

Dam Yew said...

Niama how many thousand years already? Now only Wana post? Lol. Miss those times.