1st of all...
i must thank DR.Yap who invite me to this dinner...
this is the biggest dinner i ever attended!!!
1st>>Prime Minister of Malaysia is with us....
2nd>>other Ministers are also there!!!
3rd>>Many Businessman,CEO,public listed company's managers are there too...
4th>>MANY PEOPLE AH!!!!!!

meet with some of the YES submit friends...
long time didnt meet with them dy...
meet with new people too...
very nice dinner!!!

They have only around 250++ tables....
but that only zone B!!!!!
they used up 2 convention hall!!!
a total of 400-500 tables!!!
around 4,800 people!!!!sibeh BANYAK!!!
i also found that PM's son can speak Chinese and sing Chinese song..
datin also know how to sing Chinese song too!!!
geng ah!!!
enjoy the night very well...
long time didnt mix with super high level people dy...wkkakka
I was also there.
Najib's son is a good entertainer.
u were thr too...
kinda big dinner...
btw they work alot for the 1Malaysia oh..
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