1st night of redang...
before we start the dancefloor...
our original plan was 4 wines for the 1st night and black label for the 2nd night...
we finish 2 wines in few seconds after we start the dance-floor...
so we took out another 2 wines...
we finished it after 2nd round of the dance-floor...
small battle between old man(031,me myself) and dao gei(Cookies)...
we weren't enough yet...
Jus start blurr blurr dy...
she asked for more!!!

upon the approval...
we took it out...the BLACK LABEL...
guess what...
we also finished it within an hour...
no one count the clock...
after few cups...
ANGIE was drunk...
she started to talk alot...
asked me to go play card with them...
i alerted the danger of playing the card...wakkakakka
but someone went to substitute me...
and get hit by angie when she lose....wakkakakak
Jus and angie were drunk KAO KAO...
while most of us half drunk dy d...
wanted to try 100% drunk...
but there is someone to look after 1st...
and i'm the DAI LOU of the trip...
so cant get myself drunk so fast...
after make the drunk and half drunk girls in my room sleep..
we went out...
and its time to vomit...
drink too much and too fast...
pure black label is SUCKS...
this was my 1st time get drunk so much...
i cant let my eyes close...
cuz i will totally lost my balance...
need focus and determination to keep myself awake...
its cool...
you can be very open and relax when you're drunk...
let go alot of burden at that time...
next time...
wanna drunk 100%...
next time drink 100% rmb call me ah!!!wakaka
let's go...
anytime that u hv 1 bottle of chivas or half dozen of wines...
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