Many asked...
why don't you...
and i asked myself...
Why shouldn't i...
i'm gonna reach the junction of my life very soon...
the most essential junction...
too many things to consider 1st before i take a step...
and i'm a kind of THINKER!!!
think and count alot...
to avoid hitting the wall...

i wish i could just say YES and go ahead for it...
bad news is...
i'm not a kind of play play kind of people...
i will really plan and do it KAO KAO...
unless there are some UNWANTED stuff occur...
this 1...
i will die-hard to make it happen when i say YES and go ahead!!!
i dare and will forgone other stuff for it!!!

i gt almost 1 hour of thinking time at redang recently!!!
clear of my mind and only consider the only one thing...
made up my mind dy...
wait and see what happen next ba...
it might change me if it's happen...
and it might not happen either...
oic..i guess rite le..
u really go drink urself n thk tis problem la..
no wonder la..
aiya..u should call me teman u drink mah..
i can gv u suggestion mah..
u know what i'm thinking meh??
how u gonna gv me suggestion oh??
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