SBS prom night in da house...
this is a prom night organized by SBS SWC of TARC...
some of their seniors work with me in TT night 2010...
kinda not really satisfy at the beginning...
but at last...
I get 2 VIP tickets,but it come to late dy...
so didnt really utilize the VIP tickets...

lady in red is my classmate + close friend...
the one in black is my EX-classmate + very crazy friend...
this year prom night improved their food serving compare with last year...
we cant get the food last year because there were only 2 serving station...
to serve around 800 persons...
this year they have 3 station outside the venue and 1 VVIP and 1 VIP inside the venue...
the food is still very ok for me...
but there are still some1 complain about the food...
*red lady dont like oily food...so not suitable for her...wakkaka

the program of that night is abit lagging and timing run off abit at the beginning..
i didnt manage to see the last show where some of my junior said that...
the show was too "rock"...
and the dance floor was too TECHNO dy...
look like clubbing...
many friends came to the prom night and most of the organizer members are my friend too...
say HI and chat with many people there...
kinda enjoy the social part of the whole night...

red lady kinda "SOK" on that night...
never see her in this kind of costume...]
everyone in da hall open their mouth so big when she walk by...
btw she is kinda talk girl...
173cm without high heel...
this allow her to laugh at me all the time...
cuz i have only 170...
she is bad...

She is the most outstanding in the prom night...
she won the "best dress"...
we left after she get her prize...
overall grade for that night...
"B" more area can be improved better...
there are still many leng lui to see in that prom night...wakkakkaka
didn't take photos with me!!!!!
u run away from me dy...
=.= cheh~is you keep running here and there~
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