they are couple??we're not really sure.go ask them.
this is the few photo we took before enter into the restaurant.
Programe Master was busy with the payment stuff.
We started to attack the food there.yeah.
We talk and laugh from the beginning till the end.
the restaurant was full with our noises.
thats TT.
there are alot of activities we can do in TT.
Out of the sudden,one of the 08 finalist challage his Daddy for some battle.
we call it TT "chicken" battle of the year.(after our 2nd round eating)
we need to finsih 4 pieces of chicken as fast as possible.
Battle result is...
winner is DADDY!!(4 pieces of chicken in 4 mins)
After that,he come with the "drinks" battle.
he challege Daddy for the other 2 cups of drinks.
carbonated drink without ice.
Battle result is...
winner is DADDY!!(2 cups of carbonated drinks in 6 seconds)
he only manage to finish 1 cup.
Photoshooting session.
we are very enjoy with this.
They miss NS very much.
they wan to kawad in TIMES SQUARE...
Not really sure what are they doing in front of the male toilet.
China girl...
being bullied by TT...wakakaka
This is a nice gathering.
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